In the last lecture, we talked about the proximity effect and how currents in the windings are associated with flux in the air next to the winding, and we're calling this flux now the leakage flux. Multiple layers and multiple turns cause this flux to build up and induce additional proximity losses. It's possible to do things such as interleaving of windings to reduce this effect. To understand that, we draw what are called MMF diagrams or magnetomotive force diagrams that describe this flux in the air surrounding the windings. That's the topic of this lecture, and here we're going to call that flux leakage flux, and generally in a transformer that is indeed what it is. Here I've drawn a simple example, it's a core with high permeability and we have some turns of round wire on it in a transformer, here I've got eight primary turns and eight secondary turns. Again, we can think of these turns as going around the core like this. I guess this bottom turn will come back on the next layer of turns and will go like that, and then there's the final turn for the primary, then perhaps our secondary is on top of that. It actually doesn't matter which leg of the core it goes around, it's topologically equivalent, though we can just think of the secondary winding may be as being on top of the primary. So our turns are going around like this and then we get to the next layer, and our turns continue to connect and then we come out there. We have really turns going around the post of the core and this is a drawing really of a cross-section of what the wires look like. This would be a transformer example that's eight turns to eight turns. With this simple geometry, each piece of wire or each turn carries the same current i, coming in the primary and going out the secondary. What is the flux then induced by these currents in this geometry? In the transformer, we had an equivalent circuit that's the T-model, so I have this ideal transformer that's eight to eight, we have a magnetizing inductance then we have leakage inductances. The magnetizing inductance models flux that is common to the two windings or coupling the two windings and we think of that as the mutual flux, which really is going entirely in the core. While the leakage fluxes in the windings are fluxes that link some of the turns of wire but not others. Generally we think of leakage fluxes as flowing at least partly in the air and not just being confined to the core, where they link both the primary and secondary windings. This flux next to the windings that is associated with the proximity effect is in fact leakage flux. We have, for example, current in this first layer of primary turns and there is flux that travels in the air adjacent to the first layer. We can model that flux as being proportional to the current in the adjacent turns. This flux is driven by the current in the windings and in fact, with Ampere's Law, we can calculate the size of this flux. Recall Ampere's law says, if we consider the path a flux line takes in its closed loop that the total MMF around that path that drives the magnetic field and drives flux is proportional to the current enclosed by the path. If we say have some path with flux lines going this way through the air in the middle of the winding, then the MMF that drives magnetic field in that path is equal to the total current enclosed or in the air in the winding window inside of the path. That this MMF is equal to the H field times the distance of the path. Let's suppose that the core has large permeability, much greater than the permeability of air, and what that means is that the MMF in the core is very small, it's very low reluctance and nearly all of the MMF is in the air driving the flux across basically the air gap or in the air through the winding. If we take this path right here for this flux line, basically all of the MMF is in the air and if we say that our window has some height, LW, then the MMF is this H right here times LW. That's equal to the current inside the path, and as drawn here, we have four turns each carrying current i. So this is 4 times i. Now, why did I draw the flux is going vertically through the air? Why isn't there any going horizontally or in diagonally or in some other direction? Well, let's consider a path going this way. As you can see, the net current inside that path is zero. There are two primary turns and two secondary turns with currents flowing in the opposite direction. The net current cancels out and is zero. Because of the geometry of the winding, we don't expect to have horizontal components of magnetic field, we just have vertical components. Now, of course, there may be some little curves around the round wire and so on, which we're not going to model here. We can talk about the MMF, which is from one side of the core window to the other. That is what drives the flux through the winding. We can plot that as a function of the distance here, which we're going to call x. This MMF is a function of x and we can plot how it goes up and down, and this is called the MMF diagram. We can see that for this path, the MMF is 4i. Really our MMF goes from zero at this end, and when we get here, we've got four. We draw it like that. When we get to here, our path encloses total of eight turns each with current i. So we go up to 8i. At this point, our path includes plus 8i and then minus 4i for the center layer of the secondary winding. So we go back down to a net 4i. Then finally at the far end of the window, we're back down to zero. Here's a plot of that, and what I've done here is simply sketch the conductors and what currents they carry, and directly under that, I've drawn this MMF diagram like on the previous slide. Basically you just count the amount of current to the left of the point. At any point, say right here, you count the amount of current to the left and that adds up to the MMF. This diagram also is assuming that the current is uniformly distributed across the conductor. If you choose a point x that's in the middle of the winding, this is assuming that the current with uniform distribution will increase linearly with x. We'll come back to that in a minute and account for the scan effect. But for now we'll just draw it this way. Places where there is high MMF between the winding is places where we expect to have more eddy currents in the wires and where we'll have more proximity effect. Here's another example. This is a two winding transformer, and here I've just drawn layers. This layer I've just drawn is a rectangle, perhaps it actually is comprised of a bunch of turns of wire, or maybe it is just one single rectangular conductor is drawn here. But what's important here is what is the total current in this layer, and that's what determines the MMF. If we have total current i in the first layer, then the MMF diagram will go up to i, to the right of the first layer. It'll go up to 2i here and 3i here, just like this. Then with the secondary layers carrying minus i will go back down and we'll have an MMF diagram like that. Now with proximity effect, here's what really happens. We discussed this last time in the last lecture. In the first layer, all of the current in the first layer actually crowds on the right-hand surface of that first layer within more or less one skin depth of its right side surface. In fact, if we move across this wire, there is no current enclosed in our path until we get to within one skin depth approximately of the right-hand side. After that, we have this decaying exponential function for our current density according to the skin effect. I'll draw our little decaying exponential function. What actually happens is the MMF goes up to get to be i at the surface of the first conductor, our MMF that drives flux across the air gap between the first and second conductors is driven by this current i, and it induces an equal and opposite current in the adjacent surface of the second layer. If we move past that to look at, say what happens here in the middle of the second conductor, the minus i cancels the plus i and we go back down to zero. In the middle of the second conductor, there is no MMF, and in fact, the second conductor has currents on its surfaces that are rejecting the current, expelling it so it doesn't flow in the middle of the conductor. What actually happens then, with this skin effect, is that there is no MMF in the middle of any conductor, and we have surface currents that achieve that. Then we see 2i on the right side of that second conductor, as we discussed in the last lecture, and our MMF goes up to 2i to it's right in the air gap, that gets canceled out by the surface currents on the third conductor, and we have a decaying exponential down to zero, and so forth. You could draw these straight lines, but in fact we have these decaying exponential functions and we have zero MMFs in the center of any conductor. Something we often do to reduce the proximity effect and with great success is to interleave windings. Here's an example of this same transformer, with three primary layers and three secondary layers, and what we do here is we interleave the primary and secondary, so we alternate, primary, secondary, primary, secondary like this. If you draw the MMF diagram in this case, this first secondary, its current is equal and opposite to the current in the first primary, and we simply have the currents on the adjacent surfaces, here and here within the skin depth of the surface, producing equal and opposite currents. There is no further build-up of circulating currents in these windings and the MMF diagram just goes up and down like this. In fact, in these surfaces between these layers, there's no flux and there is no MMF, and we have relatively low leakage flux here and here, it only goes up to i and never builds up to 3i. You can see that there's much less eddy currents in the windings and there'll be a much lower proximity losses. Interleaving is a good thing. Now there are practical reasons why sometimes we can't interleave, but this gives us a tool then to work out what the effect of that is and perhaps do partial interleaving or something similar. We can discuss that using these MMF diagrams and analyze the effects. Here's a partially interleaved transformer where we have four layers of secondary and three layers of primary, and there's a turns ratio. So really this is a transformer that is 3:4, suppose we put two layers of secondary, then in the middle we have our three layers of primary, then we have the last two layers of the secondary. We can draw our MMF diagrams in this space here, we'll go to minus 3/4i MMF. In the next space here, the total current to the left is what, minus 1.5i, right there. With the primary, we got plus 1i, so this MMF is what? Minus 1.5 and then plus 1, so here we're at minus 1.5i. In this space, we'll add another 1i, so we'll be at plus 1.5i, and here we add another one, so we're at plus 1.5i, then we go back down by three-quarters, so here we're at 3/4i and then we're back down to zero. When we have diagrams like this, we will work out then what are the currents on each surface as a function of these MMFs in the air gaps, and then work out the proximity effect. Why would you want to do something like this and partially interleave? Well, in a lot of transformers we're required to have insulation between the layers. The simple enamel insulation on magnet wire is good for about 70 volts and then it breaks down, if we have higher voltages and often where there are safety-related things like insulating users from the power line, we'll have requirements of 5,000 volts or similar things, and so we may put tape between the primary and the secondary to achieve this insulation, and it's hard to fully interleave or it's expensive labor to do that, so perhaps in this example, we only need tape here and here and this is something perhaps that's more practical and economical to build. We've seen how to draw MMF diagrams both in simple cases and in more complicated interleave cases. We will use these MMF diagrams to analyze and calculate the proximity effects in complicated or arbitrary winding geometries.