The previous lectures treat the proximity loss when the current waveform is sinusoidal. In switching converters, often our winding currents are non-sinusoidal and may be switched or have switching ripple and so on. In such cases, we can use Fourier analysis to work out the effects of harmonics in the waveform. Maxwell's equations are linear, and so superposition applies and it's valid to apply Fourier analysis, where we calculate the harmonic content of our waveform and then apply the proximity analysis with Dowell's equation to each harmonic of the waveform. So for example, let's suppose we have, say a transformer winding that has a pulsating current such as this. This is a waveform we might have in the primary or secondary winding, say of a forward converter. With a pulsating waveform like this, we can use Fourier analysis to find the Fourier series of the current waveform and we can write it in some function like this with a DC component and with a Fourier series. Here, j is not the square root of minus one, j is the harmonic number. With Fourier analysis, we can actually work out that for this pulsating waveform, the Fourier coefficients, which are the RMS values of the current, are given by this expression. Their magnitude depends on the peak value of the current, I_pk, and on the duty cycle. The DC component is D times I_pk, which is the average value as usual. To calculate the copper loss in the winding that has this pulsating current, we calculate the loss at each frequency, so the DC copper loss is the dc current squared times the dc resistance. For each harmonic, the Ac copper loss is given by a function that looks like this, and this is in fact Dowell's equation, assuming there's no interleaving, and assuming we have capital M layers that are winding. One little thing to note here, the value of F changes for each harmonic. F recall is the conductor thickness divided by the skin depth, and the skin depth is a function of frequency that goes like one over the square root of frequency. So for harmonic j, F j will be h over Delta j, where Delta j is the skin depth for harmonic j. Since this goes again, like square root of frequency, we can write that F j is the square root of j times F1, where F1 is the value of F for the fundamental component. So as we go to a higher and higher frequency or higher harmonic number, our value of F gets larger and larger, but it's a weak function of j, the square root function. So we can write Dowell's equation for each harmonic, and then we need to sum the Fourier series. So plug these into the sum for the Fourier series to calculate I squared R and add them up. Summing the series sounds like a pretty complicated thing, what I usually do is write a computer program, maybe a MATLAB program to sum them up, and I'll go up to some high harmonic number and then just stop, terminate at some point. It's interesting to define a harmonic loss factor, which tells us how the harmonics increase the proximity and total copper loss. Here, I define a harmonic loss factor, is the total copper loss of the fundamental and the harmonics divided by the copper loss of just the fundamental component. So with that definition then, we can write that the total copper loss is the copper loss from the DC component plus this copper loss from the fundamental and all of the harmonics where I 1-squared R_dc is the RMS fundamental component times the dc resistance. We multiply that by F_R at the fundamental, to get the proximity loss included in the fundamental component, and then we multiply by F_H, which tells us the effect of all the harmonics on the total copper loss. The value of F_H, of course, depends on the Fourier series of the original current. Just to see what happens for the waveform of this forward converter, here's what F_H looks like at D of 0.5. So F_H again, is the factor by which the harmonics increase the total copper loss. At low frequency, these curves tend to a number that's bigger than one, and that's because the RMS value of the fundamental is smaller than the RMS value of the full site, the full pulsating waveform. So the total harmonic distortion of the waveform will increase the DC loss. At high frequency, we go to a larger number that also is fixed, and this is the high frequency limit with very large conductor. The interesting thing here, is that at intermediate frequencies, F_H becomes large, what's happening here is that at these intermediate frequencies are intermediate values of F conductor size. The effect of the harmonics is large, the fundamental component makes a relatively low copper loss, whereas the harmonics make a large increase in total copper loss. So the harmonics have the biggest effect for values of F1 a little less than one. From our previous lectures, F1 a little less than one was where we wanted to design the winding. So that choice is fine when we have a sinusoidal current, but when we have significant harmonics, it might not be the best choice. Here's the same plot for duty cycle of 0.3. The curves look smaller, but actually the scale is increased. The last scale maxed out at 10, this one maxes out at 100, and actually with lower duty cycle, the effect of the harmonics is getting worse, and idea 0.1, it's even worse yet with curves approaching 100. So the harmonics can have a significant effect depending on how you've designed your winding, and the moral of that story is that when we have significant harmonics, we need to include them and sum the Fourier series. So harmonics can significantly affect the answer and they can affect that conclusion on the optimum wire size, and they can affect in both directions. If you have a significant dc component, the optimum solution might be to use a thicker conductor to reduce the copper loss of the dc component. On the other hand, if you have significant high-frequency components, such as in harmonics, it may be that the optimum is a smaller conductor. Here, we get into writing some computer programs to evaluate this, in our quest to find the optimum.