This lecture is a short summary of what is going on inside a diode and how it switches. We're going to cover reverse recovery and the basic mechanisms governing switching of diodes. So here is a p-n junction, type diode. we have p-doped material on the left side of the junction and n-doped material on the right side. n-doped material, for example, means that we have doped the, silicon lattice with [COUGH] impurities that, provide additional or extra electrons to the lattice that are of high energy state and easily able to conduct current by jumping from one atom to the next, and we call these majority carrier electrons in the n material. In a similar manner in the p material we have majority carrier holes that can easily conduct current and jump from one atom to the next. When these devices are at reasonable temperatures such as at room temperature the, the thermal energy of the majority carriers makes them bounce around inside the lattice. So we can think of them as having thermally induced vibrations or jumping around and bouncing around. Okay, at the p-n junction what happens then is, what's called a depletion region is formed. And this happens because when these majority carriers are bouncing around, they tend to defuse in directions, in the direction of reduced concentration. And so right here at the junction we have a high concentration of holes on the left side and a high concentration of electrons on the right. And so, what happens is that [COUGH], that the thermal energy will cause the majority carriers to diffuse in the direction of reducing concentration, until electrons will diffuse from right to left across the junction, and holes will diffuse from left to right. When these majority carrier's diffuse across the junction, they become what are called minority carriers on the opposite side. And in the process of, of moving across the junction they leave behind ionized atoms or net charges on the dopant atoms of the region that they left. And so when electrons diffuse into the p region they leave behind plus charges or positively charged atoms in the n region. And, likewise holes, when they defuse into the n region they leave behind negatively ionized atoms, in the p region. And as a result there's an electric field between these charges. And, that electric field makes a voltage. The voltage is the integral of the electric field. And so you can see there will be a net voltage that is plus on the right side and lef, minus on the left side of the junction. And this region here is called the depletion region or the space charge there. Across this depletion region then, this voltage actually opposes the diffusion. So, [COUGH] a positive charge, would have to basically diffuse uphill, voltage wise. And what happens is that, this voltage across this depletion region builds up, until in equilibrium the, the the voltage completely stops these further diffusion of holes in electrons across the junction. And at that point we are in steady state or the devices in steady state. It has this built in voltage across the junction, and no further minor, majority carriers will diffuse [COUGH]. Here's what happens under reverse bias conditions. So, now we have conta, contacts to the outside world, and we apply a voltage that's normally re-considered a negative voltage across the device [COUGH]. So, this voltage is negative with respect to the p material which is the anode and it's plus with respect to the n material which is the cathode. Okay, when we do this, we have added voltage. This adds voltage across the depletion region and makes the depletion region get larger. Basically this entire voltage, externally implied voltage is is blocked by the depletion region. [COUGH] You can see see that increase the depletion region's size and have more voltage across it, you have to add charge to it. And that charge actually comes from the external voltage source, or the external circuit. So in this sense, the depletion region acts as a capacitance. We have to add charge to it to increase it's voltage. And we generally call this the junction capacitance of the device. And it's a real capacitor that can store energy in its electric field that you can get back later if you change the voltage. Under forward bias conditions, what we do is we, we increase the voltage of the p-region with respect to the n-region and that makes the depletion region get smaller. When the depletion region is smaller, it no longer stops the diffusion of, of majority carriers across the junction. And so, we, we start to get, flow of charge across the junction in each direction. So, that holes from the p region defuse into the n region, where they become what we call minority carrier holes. They're still at a high enough energy state in the n-region that they can easily jump from one atom to the next and conduct current. Similarly, electrons from the n-region will diffuse into the p-region, where they become minority carrier electrons and are able to conduct current there. Under forward-biased conditions then here's what happens. We have current coming in, the contact from the external circuit. That in the p-region is gives us holes. Those holes can do one of two things. One is, they can diffuse across the the junction, become minority carriers in the n-region, and eventually, they recombine with electrons, majority carrier electrons, in the n-region. And so, an electron from the negative terminal may come in, [COUGH] and recombine with one of these holes. The other thing that the p in, what the holes can do in the p-region, is to recombine with an electron that has diffused in from the n-region. So, we can have them already carrier electron that dif, recombines with a majority carrier hole in the p-region [SOUND]. So those are the two things that can happen and under forward-biased conditions that accounts for the entire current of the diode. The entire current consists of recombination on one side or the other of the junction. And as long as there are minority carriers, in these regions, we continue to have current. So what we have then is here's a plot of the minority carriers, or the minority carrier concentration on the two sides of the junction. So here for example, we have holes that diffuse across the junction. And they diffuse at some rate that depends on the slope of this concentration, characteristic, so they diffuse towards regions of lower concentration. And, they they last in this region for sometime that we call the lifetime and the, on average after the lifetime is over, they will have recombined. And they, they recombine as they, they diffuse and we get a concentration that reduces the further away we get from the junction. And we have that on both sides of the p-n junction. So if we want to turn off the diode, we have to remove these minority carriers on the two sides of the junction, one, by one way or another, to stop their recombination and stop the current from flowing. Thus, the diode is charge-controlled by minority carriers in the, p-n-n regions of the diode. Here is a classic first order charge-control model for the diode. It, it relates first the voltage across the depletion region v, to the minority carrier charge concentration at the edge of the depletion region. So this q of t we can take as the charge of the minority carrier holes, right here at this point, or the minority carrier electrons at this point. [COUGH] And these are related to the voltage basically the applied voltage of the diode but really the voltage across the depletion region. So you're used to seeing perhaps the steady state current versus voltage characteristics of the diode that has the exponential function. That's a steady state relationship and in fact, the correct relationship is this one. Okay, so the charge is charge concentration at the edge of the depletion region, is, is this quantity. given that quantity we can, turns out, we can find what this entire distribution of charge is. And there is a total amount of charge or area under these concentration curves. That is the total stored minority charge in the device. In the charge control model, we can make lumped element models of the device. And the, the simplest first order lumped element model, has a single lump of charge that is this total amount of charge stored here. And that charge then is, is related again with some constant to the voltage across the depletion region with the exponential characteristic. And the charge control equation says that the total charge can increase if we put current, more current into the diode which supplies more charge, or it can decrease by recombination. And so this is actually a dynamic equation of the diode that says how the stored minority charged can vary. I should say also that these equations don't include the capacitance across the junction which we've talked about previously. That's a separate element and we're talking simply about what happens with, with the holes and electrons, moving across the junction. Okay, so if we look at the charge control equation, in equilibrium the diode works in steady state, the qdt is 0. And then we can solve this equation and equate this to 0 and find that the current is equal to the storage charge over the lifetime. And you can plug this stored charged equation here, into there, [COUGH] like this. And if you do, you'll find that the current follows the exponential diode relation that we're all used to, which is the exponential iv, curve that, that does this. But, this is an equilibrium equation, and during transients in the diode, this doesn't have to happen, have to, to be followed. The dqt term can be non-zero and we can actually for example, have current that removes stored charge or adds stored charge that deviates from this iv curve. And that's in fact what happens during the switching times of the diode. Here in fact is a plot of what, or, a sketch of what really happens. So, here we had the diode on, initially. So, there's some voltage, like seven-tenths of a volt, across the diode. And we're conducting some current. And there's some stored charge. So, here I've drawn, on one side of the depletion region, the stored minority charge and, what it looks like. So again we, we have a slope here that determines the, the rate at which the carriers diffuse and that slope is proportional to the current in the device and so will have charges moving this way and conducting this current. Now, at some point, t0 then, this is the initial condition. At this point, we start to try to switch the diode off. So, the external circuit [COUGH] will switch, and as a result, we will start removing charge from the, the diode. And so, what we'll observe in the external circuit is this, this current through the diode and we can actually remove charge actively from the diode by simply having a reverse current. In our charge control equation, I becomes negative, which makes dqdt be negative, and we actively remove say the minor, minority carrier holes backwards across the junction. And minority electrons backwards across the junction that contribute to this current. Okay, so with this negative current, then say, at time t1, we have negative current and we're pulling charges backwards across the junction. The slope, by pulling these charges we will reduce the concentration of charge. say in the end region, and with the slope going on the different direction, you'll see charges actually moving the other direction. A time t2, we've removed an off storage charge, minor, a stored minority charge, that the the charge right at the edge of the depletion region goes to 0. And that's what happens right here. Okay, at that point the voltage on the depletion region can start to change. It's no longer this exponential function that is, roughly 0.7 volts, but the diode voltage starts to actually finally go negative. So before this point where we still have positive minority charge at the edge of the, the depletion region, the diode voltage remains positive and you can barely see the difference it's, it's more or less 0.7 volts. and it looks like the diode really is still on. So at this point, we start to see the voltage change and see the volt, some negative voltage. We continue to remove charge and what happens say at time t3, here, is that we have removed this charge and, the charge is now 0 at, at this point x3 and the depletion region has actually grown, and comes all the way out to x3 that, which is, consistent with having negative voltage across the device. finally, out here at time t4, we've removed all of the stored charge, there's no more minority charge left. And finally, the diode is all the way off and it can block the full negative voltage, the circuit imposes without conducting current. Okay, let's look a little at the power flow. So power is the voltage times the current. And the power in the diode, at this point, before we switch the diode off, we had positive current flowing into the diode. Positive voltage across it and we had some power loss in the diode that is the conduction loss of the diode. You can see, where the current goes negative and the voltage is still positive, over this time. The diode actually supplies power. It has positive voltage and negative current. And where actually, some of the energy of these minority carrier charges is being extracted, where we actively pull them out of the, the the diode. Now that, that amount of power bring supplied is not very much and in fact, in a switching converter generally that power is, is lost in the mosfet anyway. and so it's not a very significant amount of power. But then for the next part, let's say from, this time, we have negative voltage that is substantial and we have negative current. And this is substantial power loss that happens in the diode itself and it can make the diode hot. So this is real switching loss in the diode. And in fact we're going to see, in the next lecture that, that we get substantial switching loss if we consider both the mosfet and the diode, over this whole time. And this is a significant amount of loss and it's often, in what we call hard switched or, or conventional switching converters. This is often the largest single source of loss in the circuit, because you can see this is a lot of current. In a typical diode this peak negative current may be several times the on state current. And this is the full off state voltage. So the product of these is a very high instantaneous power. So this is called the reverse recovery of the diode. this time here is the turn off switching time, which is often called the reverse recovery time, and this charge, which is the minority charge that is actively removed from the device is called the recovered charge. Now, you can also switch the diode off by simply stopping the current and waiting a long time for all the charge to recombine. While we could do some combination, where we maybe, reduce the rate at which the current change is and goes negative which lets more of the charge recombine in diode, and less of it be actively removed. But if we switch the diode off quickly, this is what happens. We basically actively pull all of the stored minority charge out of the diode and it becomes recovered charge. The familiar iv characteristic of the diode is an equilibrium relationship, and it can be violated during the switching times. In particular, to turn off a diode, we typically have this reverse recovery trangent, in which the we have the large reverse current that violates the x, the equilibrium exponential iv characteristic of the diode. And this reverse recovery time and recovered charge can induce substantial switching loss in the mosfet, and substantial loss in the diode itself, as well. In the next lecture, we're going to calculate what the switching masses are and model them in the switching converter.