In recent years, we've seen the introduction of new power semiconductor devices using Wide Bandgap semiconductor materials. Instead of silicon, they use silicon carbide or gallium nitride. These materials allow significant improvements in the trade-off between breakdown voltage, forward voltage drop, and switching speed. So in this brief lecture, I'm going to describe or summarize why that is so, and then we'll talk about several of the commercially available devices, specifically silicon carbide, schottky diodes, silicon carbide MOSFETs, and gallium nitride HEMT devices. Here is a formula that you see often quoted in the literature for the specific resistance, in other words the on-resistance multiplied by the active chip area for a majority carrier device such as a MOSFET. The on-resistance is a function of the breakdown voltage; V sub B, as well as the material mobility; mu, the material permittivity epsilon, and the critical electric field at the onset of avalanche breakdown; E sub c. So if you want to increase the blocking voltage of your MOSFET for example, the on-resistance will increase as the breakdown voltage is squared. So high-voltage MOSFETs have much higher on-resistances. But the interesting thing here is the other terms, these denominator terms, that are a function of the semiconductor material. So it turns out that these Wide Bandgap materials such as silicon carbide and gallium nitride, have much higher critical fields, E sub c, that allow a significant improvement in this trade-off. Here's a comparison of the parameters for these basic materials. So silicon has a bandgap of 1.12 electron volts. Silicon carbide and gallium nitride have much higher bandgaps and the result of this is that the critical fields are much higher. So with this significant increase in critical field then we can design the device to have a much lower on-resistance at a given breakdown voltage. The electron mobilities are also changed. In fact, it turns out that silicon carbide has lower electron mobility which is bad, that means more on-resistance, and gallium nitride, for reasons we'll discuss in a minute, has higher electron mobility to what are called hot carriers that exist in the two-dimensional electron gas in the device. Because of the lower mobility of silicon carbide, it actually is inferior at low breakdown voltages and silicon is better. But when you get above 600 volts, then silicon carbide begins to exhibit significant advantages, and so we see good silicon carbide MOSFETs at voltages starting at 600 volts and going commercially now to 10,000 volts. GaN doesn't have that issue and in fact GaN is highly competitive with silicon as MOSFETs at low voltage or at least as controlled transistors at lower voltages. So we see both sub 100 volt GaN devices and we see 600 volt GaN devices that are very good. We can also make Schottky diodes with these devices. So we see high voltage Schottky diodes made especially out of silicon carbide, and there are majority carrier devices that have no significant reverse recovery. We get silicon carbide Schottkys at 600 and 1200 volts and higher. In silicon carbide we can build MOSFETS, Silicon carbide can have an oxide layer that is similar to the oxide layer in silicon and we can build MOSFETs with it. This is not true in other materials and in particular it's not true in GaN. So we aren't able to build MOSFETS with GaN and the devices that we have our junction JFET instead. Silicon carbide MOSFETs then can be built with a vertical structure that's very similar to the vertical MOSFET structure seen in a silicon MOSFET. It has all the same structure, it has a body diode and so on. In GaN this is not the case, GaN has a thin film material that is deposited on top of a substrate and so we have lateral GaN devices. Because GaN devices are lateral, it's somewhat more difficult to scale to higher voltages and currents although we're seeing that being done commercially. The thermal coefficient of expansion of the thin film GaN device must be matched somehow to the substrate that it's deposited on and there are issues there as well that affect the structure of the GaN devices. So as I mentioned, we have silicon carbide Schottky diodes. These were the first wide-bandgap power devices to become commercially important. We see them available at 600, 1200 volts and higher. Because the Schottky diode is a majority carrier device, there's no significant reverse recovery. They do have a higher forward voltage drop, typically 1.5 to two volts, but they have much lower switching loss because they're a majority carrier device. What we find then is higher conduction loss, lower switching loss. In most switched-mode applications, let's say 600 volts, you see a significant gain in overall system efficiency. They also cost more than silicon, so there's a trade off. In the area of MOSFETs, we have silicon MOSFET at voltages up to 600 volts or 700 volts. If you want to go to a higher voltage, then generally we use a silicon IGBT. In the case of silicon carbide, we have silicon carbide MOSFET starting at 600 volts and commercial devices available at up to even 10,000 volts and these are real MOSFET that are very similar to the silicon MOSFETs but with good properties at high voltage. So they have much lower on-resistance than a silicon MOSFET, they do have a p-n body diode just like the silicon MOSFET has. In the case of silicon carbide, the body diode has a forward drop of three to four volts, so its higher.. The body diodes generally are built with good reverse recovery times below 50 nanoseconds and so we can switch these devices at a much higher frequency than we could operate an IGBT. So where the IGBT might run at five or 10 kilohertz, these MOSFETs can run at much higher frequencies. Here are some sample commercial devices that you can buy today, I've listed some from 650 volts up to 1,700 volts with nice on-resistances that are tens of milliohms. In GaN, we are not able to build an oxide layer and so we can't build a MOS-gate and what we see for GaN transistors is what is basically a junction field-effect transistor where there's a source and a drain with semiconductor material between them and a gate that is built as a diode junction on top of that material. So when we negatively bias the gate, we can turn off the channel, when we forward bias the device with a positive gate voltage, there is current that can flow between the source and the drain. The traditional junction FET is a depletion mode device so at zero gate voltage, its forward-biased are turned on and to turn it off, you have to apply a negative voltage to the gate. Early GaN transistors were in fact depletion mode devices and we have cascode type circuits that combine them, silicon MOSFET with a depletion mode GaN device to build what is effectively an enhancement mode transistor. There is another twist here in the GaN devices, these are what are called high-electron-mobility transistors or HEMTs. They are also characterized as having a heterojunction which means that we have two different materials having different band gaps and in the GaN device today we have aluminum gallium nitride which has a low bandgap semiconductor material and then below it, is GaN which is a high bandgap or wide-bandgap material and there is a junction between them. When we place materials having different band gaps in contact at this heterojunction, it can form what is called the two-dimensional electron gas which is shown here, and this two-dimensional electron gas has carriers having high energies that are able to conduct or jump very easily from atom to atom, and effectively have very low on-resistance or high mobility and this is one of the keys to the GaN device of why it can achieve very low on-resistance. To turn this device off, we negatively biased the gate which will extend its depletion region below the gate and disrupt the 2D electron gas so that the source and drain have no conducting channel. So this device can have a high breakdown field because it's a wide-bandgap material and at the same time it can have very low on-resistance from this two-dimensional electron gas. But the GaN device is a junction field-effect transistor that traditionally is a depletion-mode device. A more recent GaN power transistors actually have their gate threshold voltages shifted positively so that they become effectively enhancement-mode devices. So with zero gate to source voltage, the device becomes turned off and we apply a positive voltage greater than the threshold to turn the device on. However, you can't apply two positive of a voltage or you will forward bias the gate to source diode and then you'll get significant positive current flowing into the gate which actually can damage the device. So we have to limit the gate current and must apply a gate voltage that is not too high. Often then will drive these devices with a zero to five volt gate drive signal to switch the power GaN FET. So in the on state, the device is on with a low on-resistance. This is with the gate to source voltage greater than the threshold of may be three or three and a half volts. In the off state, will generally apply zero volts between gate and source to turn the device off. The device does not have a built-in body diode the way the MOSFET structure has but having said that, it's still possible to get the device to conduct if you apply reverse current or voltage through it. Let's suppose we have the gate shorted to the source and then we apply negative drain voltage. In this case, with reverse operation, the drain can actually become the source and the source the drain. So if you apply a negative enough voltage to the drain, will have positive voltage at the gate with respect to the drain and if that positive voltage is more than the threshold, the device can turn on. So in that case, the device will conduct and it will conduct current in this direction with a forward voltage drop between source and drain equal to the threshold or a little bit greater. So it's possible to have a reverse-conducting device without actually having a physical body diode. So this behavior is similar to the MOSFET that has a body diode except that there's no reverse recovery because there's no real diode. Also the forward drop is fairly large, it's greater than or equal to the threshold voltage of the gate. So you see GaN devices are actually current bidirectional devices with very fast switching times. So here's a comparison of 600 volt transistors, both a silicon MOSFET and in-equivalent GaN transistor and here it's assumed that they're sized to have the same on-resistance. Of course to achieve this on-resistance, the GaN has a much smaller area and as a result, it has much lower gate charge. So because it's a smaller device, the charges are smaller and it can switch much faster. So we see lower gate charge, lower output capacitance, the only negative thing perhaps is the voltage drop when reverse-conducting, but then again it has negligible reverse recovery. So wide-bandgap semiconductors have become commercially important, while they cost more, they can operate at higher voltages with higher switching speeds and with lower forward voltage drops. Currently the important devices are the silicon carbide schottky diode, silicon carbide MOSFET and the GaN HEMT device.